Facilitator Bio: Marva Furlongue-Laver has been a Social Worker for over thirty (30) years and has practiced nationally and internationally. Her practice includes child welfare, clinical, schools, and advocacy. She is a Doctoral Candidate at Walden University; with her focus in School Social Work Services and the marginalization of School Social Workers by administration during the planning of re-engagement activities for students with school post-COVID-19 lockdown. She is an Assistant Coordinator of Field Education at Florida Atlantic University. Prior to this position, she was the inaugural Instructional Facilitator who developed the process for supporting the Broward County Public School District’s initiative to train at least 80% of their staff in Youth Mental Health First Aid Awareness of the Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Concerns. Past positions have been Equity Liaison, Practice/Field Educator, and Professional Learning Facilitator Credentialed in Broward County, Florida. She shares knowledge to elevate others (students, families, and colleagues) to another level as her passion. She has provided training/workshops in the United Kingdom, Italy, New York, Maryland, and Florida. These workshops have covered areas of substance misuse, social work supervision, social work research, eliminating the school-to-prison pipeline, effective practice education, and addressing implicit bias and institutional racism. As a School District Equity Liaison, she facilitated courageous conversations about race within the Student Services department as they progressed towards becoming anti-racist social workers and developing and implementing interventions through an equity lens.