About this Event
Presenter: Gus Castellanos, MD
CEUs: 27 1/2
MBSR is an evidenced based program founded at the University Of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979. The course consists of 9 sessions over 8 weeks – weekly 2.5 hour classes and a 6 hour silent “retreat day” between classes 6 & 7. Participants will be guided thru and learn to practice seated meditation, body awareness meditation and moving meditation (gentle yoga-stretching, walking) while exploring mindfulness in their daily life. At each of the weekly sessions, there will be time for inquiry and dialogue about the insights and challenges that arises thru-out the course and from the practices. There will also be discussions on particular topics such as the role of perception on stress reactivity, the physiology of stress, the differences and benefits of responding vs reacting, and bringing mindfulness into interpersonal relationships.
Attendees learn to become aware of their inner landscape and their surroundings and how to find balance and peace of mind. Recognizing their own wisdom, they develop an attitude of mindfulness by purposefully accepting situations in a composed, curious and non-judgmental manner.
CEUs will be awarded only for the sessions attended in full. Any participant who needs to miss more than one class may be asked to drop out of the course. A participant missing more than two classes will be required to drop out of the course. In such cases, refunds or transfers will be determined based on the policy of the Office of Professional Development, at the discretion of the Coordinator.
Learning Objectives
Discuss the history of the MBSR program at UMASS
Practice a brief mindfulness meditation practice
Describe risks and benefits of participating in the program
Class 1
Discuss the application of self-regulatory skills
Practice and discuss a mindful eating meditation
Practice a body scan meditation
Class 2
Practice body scan meditation in the classroom setting.
Describe how perception affects reactivity to stressors
Practice awareness of breath meditation
Class 3
Practice mindful walking meditation
Practice floor yoga meditation mindfully
Discuss pleasant events and the interplay between thoughts, emotions, and body sensations during events
Class 4
Practice standing yoga mindfully
Practice sitting meditation of breath and body sensations
Discuss the physiology of the stress reactivity and the adaptive and maladaptive patterns of coping with stress
Class 5
Practice a 40-minute sitting meditation
Discuss and practice techniques to work with unpleasant arising’s
Describe the use of mindfulness practices in responding vs reacting to stressful situations
Class 6
Practice standing yoga mindfully
Practice a mindful listening exercise
Discuss the 4 types of communication styles
Silent Retreat
Practice mindful yoga meditation
Practice sitting meditation
Practice walking meditation
Practice noble silence
Practice slow-fast (crazy) walking exercise
Practice a loving-kindness meditation
Class 7
Practice participant led yoga exercise
Practice a 40-miute self-guided meditation
Discuss ways to integrate mindfulness in everyday life
Class 8
Practice the body scan meditation, mindful yoga and sitting meditation as a review
Discuss the 8 week MBSR curriculum
Discuss ways of incorporating mindfulness in everyday life and for home practice
Gus Castellanos, M.D. is a graduate of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He practiced Neurology and Sleep Medicine in South Florida for 25 years. Gus has been practicing mindfulness since 1998 and teaching mindfulness programs since 2009.
Certified to teach MBSR by the University of Massachusetts Center For Mindfulness and trained by University of Miami’s Neuroscience Lab, he currently teaches at a variety of facilities throughout South Florida, including the University of Miami School of Medicine, Osher Center For Integrative Medicine, FIU College of Medicine, UMindfulness, Mindful Kids Miami, and the Sari Center for Integrative Cancer Care. He has trained thousands of participants in his mindfulness classes and workshops, including hospice leadership, physicians, US Army soldiers, firefighters, paramedics, and behavioral health specialists, as well as everyday people with a variety of stress related conditions.
Gus has facilitated a bimonthly mindfulness session at a local prison since 2011, lectures widely and writes a bimonthly mindfulness newsletter. Engaged in mindfulness research with the University of Miami Neuroscience Lab and Medical School and FIU College of Medicine, he also serves as advisor to Palm Healthcare Train the Brain Initiative and to the MBSR program at Jupiter Medical Center, a UMass Center For Mindfulness affiliate.
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