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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU, Barry and Florence Friedberg Auditorium View map
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Join us for a mind-bending talk by renowned physicist Carlo Rovelli, followed by a book signing!

“The universe is full of black holes into which we see matter falling. Where does all that matter go? The answer requires a quantum theory of space and time, and may be surprising. I will illustrate what happens approaching a black hole and entering it. And what might happen next.”

This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from New York Times bestselling author and theoretical physicist, Carlo Rovelli, as he guides us in exploring the exotic nature of black holes, their fate, and the science behind it. Join us at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU for an evening of learning and discovery.

Reserve your spot now! Admission at the door without reservation depends on space.

Following the lecture will be a book signing, with his book White Holes: Inside the Horizon available on site for purchase. Don't miss this chance to get your book signed by the expert himself!

“Rovelli is unique among modern scientists who write for popular audiences in his ability to capture the purest essence of his science with both precision and lyricism … the clarity of his explanations is unparalleled.”

– Adam Frank, NPR, Book Review of White Holes

RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/white-holes-a-free-public-lecture-and-book-signing-by-carlo-rovelli-phd-tickets-871283180447?aff=oddtdtcreator.

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  • Delaney Rosenblatt

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